A leading building products company in Australia and New Zealand. Superior practice ideas for building a healthier home. And because these products come from CPR, our customers can be sure that they are manufactured to confront all pertinent building codes and standards to do the job. It means we have the resources to provide our customers with the service they need to get their job done. Our latest Sustainability Report provides information on our sustainability record and fresh opportunities and challenges across our businesses. A leading building products company in Australia and Fresh Zealand. The way we manage our safety, health, and environmental and community responsibilities is a appropriate indication of how well we manage our businesses as a whole. bots present a continuum of care from assistance on the streets' crisis and short term accommodation to lengthy term residential care, treatment and secondary schooling. Providing good workplace health, safety and environmental training to employees and contractors. Consulting and communicating with employees and contractors to constantly improve the work health, safety and environmental performance in our workplaces. CPR have placed a tall priority on developing a management system that meets all requirements and standards. CPR strive to continually diminish its impact on the environment. Initiatives include undertaking life cycle analyses of CPR products such as the Hebe brick, to grasp where the environmental impacts occur along its manufacturing process and how these impacts may be addressed through to taking waste plasterboard from building sites and recycling at our Wetherill Park factory thereby reducing the need for raw material as well as the amount of plasterboard being disposed to landfill. Our managers are held accountable for labor health safety and environment performance, and all employees are expected to receive personal responsibility for their actions, and to be involved in improvement initiatives and developing and setting standards. We have adopted a common approach across the company to managing labor health safety and environment. All employees, contractors and visitors are expected to comply with this policy and the Board and Management will provide the necessary resources and training to ensure this compliance. The CPR whee Standards provide the framework for management of workplace health, safety and environment at CPR, by clearly setting out the standards we require our people to meet. Developing and sustaining a mighty culture of working safely and continuous improvement. Protect the health and safety of people. Implementation Effective implementation will ensure that health, safety, and environment focus is maintained on critical activities ensuring: Effective identification, assessment and handle of workplace health, safety and environmental hazards and their associated risk. To accomplish our vision of zero hurt it is urgent that we share benefit both in terms of appropriate practice that we implement, and understanding what went wrong. CPR’s promote of research into asbestos related diseases. Since 2010, CPR has sponsored the Asbestos Diseases Research Institute’s tissue bio bank study.
A leading building products company in Australia and New Zealand. Will the building industry believe the challenge of change in our industry and society? It's a wrap new study on wall wrap air leakage. Fresh ceiling systems whole compliant education space in Victoria. Home hot box theory proved wrong by Bradford experiment. Superior practice ideas for building a healthier home. Building a high performing home on a project builder budget. Gyprock breathes life into an impaired weatherboard house to create a farmhouse style family home. Edmond ventilation solution for Banana Place solves heat and fire requirements.
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